The method of making mushroom powder and pollen in Animal Maze is a collection element in the game, and players need to collect them all to complete it. Players who want to collect them all can complete this collection task as soon as possible according to the production methods provided by the source code network.
Answer: You can get it by processing mushrooms with a grinder.
1. In the game, there are many materials and items that we need to collect ourselves, but some of them do not provide any recipe information.
2. There is no recipe hint for the mushroom powder pollen. This requires us to go to Billy to buy a grinder.
3. Bring it back and collect a few mushrooms, then use a grinder to process the mushrooms to produce powder. 2 mushrooms will produce 3 mushroom powder pollen.
4. Although there are some materials that do not have formulas, we can collect them when it is windproof, such as mint leaves and so on.