This game is popular among the public, and countless players are keen to explore its various gameplay and skills. However, as the game progresses, some problems arise, such as a lack of understanding of how to use cheat codes in Age of Wonders 4, which may affect players' enthusiasm and interest. In order to solve this problem, we have specially compiled a relevant information for your reference.
iamgod switch for instant automatic battle victory.
Explore the entire map with tasman (17th century Dutch navigator).
Barentz explores and reveals the entire map (16th century Dutch navigator).
unexplore Unexplore the map.
Cruijff switches unlimited movement mode (legendary Dutch football player).
Oldenbarnevelt received 100,000 royal rights (the father of Dutch independence, the crumbs of the founding of the East India Company).
Rembrandt received 100,000 gold coins (Rembrandt, the greatest painter in Dutch history).
ikbedoelalles unlocks all global operations.
switch_tm switches between sync and classic round mode.
questmaster switches the quest mode (you are the quest master, right).
masterskills unlock all research.
Leeuwenhoek immediately completed the current research (Leewenhoek, really Leeuwenhoek).
Hauer upgrades the selected unit (the Dutch public voted the best Dutch actor of the 20th century).
philips switches instant production mode (Philips, also a European Antarctic).
Optimalprime switches instant operational readiness mode.
demo unlocks all research, gets 100,000 gold coins, and switches between real-time production mode and real-time operation preparation mode.
makevassal turns the selected free city or player into a vassal state (vassal[ˈvæsl], vassal, without Hideyoshi).
eendracht adds a false beacon to gain expansion victory (the predecessor of Nijmegen Football Club).
eenheid add the maximum number of fake sectors to get an expansion win.
verdoemenis adds a false root node for a magical win (beer from the Netherlands).
Flyingdutchman switches unlimited movement mode, earn 100,000 gold coins, and explore the entire map (Flying Dutchman).
Huygens gain one level of each affinity over 10 turns and unlock the feature before unlocking the Empire progression tree (Huygens, the famous physicist).
Spaargaren unlocks the empire progression tree in 10 rounds (Dutch wheelchair tennis player).
rallythelieges begins the next Lieges rally.
Engelen gets positive alignment in all channels (Dutch athletes, too many people with this name).
demonen gets negative alignment in all channels.
Martin increased the maximum hero capacity to 999 (Martin Joel, Dutch professional football coach and former football player).
genprisonhero generates a random hero in prison.
gencrypthero generates a random hero in the tomb.
genhero generates random offline heroes.
revealpersonality shows the personality characteristics of the selected AI player.
warlord declares war on all other players.
improverelationImproves the relationship with the selected city.
makecoop starts a cooperation agreement with the selected independent city or player.
makeloyal starts a loyalty pact with the selected independent city or player.
makeintegrated starts an integration pact with the selected independent city or player.
Makewar starts a war with a selected independent city or player.
makeneutral establishes neutral diplomatic relations with the selected independent city or player.
Makeally ally with an independent city or player of choice.
makehappy improves relations with selected independent cities or players.
Makeangry worsens relations with selected independent cities or players.
Lely switch instant operation mode (a Dutch agricultural machinery company).
The voorhees switch unlocks all non-special hero skills.
ruijter adds 1 copy of each hero item to the hero item store (Dutch historian, discovered a medieval treasure with a metal detector in 2021? It’s a bit sci-fi, isn’t it, my brother?).
completechapter Completes the current research chapter.
instantskills switches instant research mode.
freepop quickly increases the population of your chosen city.
The unit of medic treatment selection.
victory1 triggers an instant military victory.
victory2 triggers instant expansion victory.
Victory3 triggers instant magic victory.
victory4 triggers instant scoring victory.
hein triggers instant scoring victory (Dutch admiral in the 16th century).
defeat1 triggers and the leader is defeated immediately.
Defeat2 triggers an immediate failure of the throne city to fall.
defeat3 failed to trigger instant expansion.
defeat4 triggers instant magic failure.
defeat5 failed to trigger instant scoring.
willem failed to trigger instant scoring.