Genshin Impact Taunting Destiny Qualification Mission Completion Guide
1. Xumi Xiang Zuipo went to the house to look for Paimon
In the morning, I saw that Paimon was missing and when I went to look for him, I saw a man.
He is from Kanria and is worried about his children, and we must help him;
2. Talk to Ed
To obtain the medicine, you need to use the materials Kalpa Lotus and Sumeru Rose.
Synthesize inside the synthesis table
The achievement of a drug that has not yet caused death can be achieved.
Continue talking to Ed.
Finally, worship the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods.
3. Go to the Seven Heavens Statue
There is a four-leaf seal that can quickly reach the Seven Heavens Statue.
4. Feed the medicine to Qiuqiu people
Go to the house and give medicine.
If it doesn't work, you need to make another medicine, which requires special mushrooms.
5. Go to the waterfall to get water
At the bottom of the waterfall next to the Seven Heavens Statue, we have to use the four-leaf clover next to the Seven Heavens Statue to go up.
Obtain the prop "Exotic Mushroom Watering Water"
Give the water to Ed, then go hunt the mushrooms.
6. Defeat the incoming mushrooms
After cleaning up, talk to Ed.
Mushrooms will grow quickly after fertilizing. Collect two mushrooms.
After collecting, go to the synthesis station to synthesize the medicine.
7. Ed and I are going to worship at the Seven Heavens Statue.
8. Follow the Qiuqiu people into the cave