The style of the World of Warcraft game is quite interesting. Many friends fell in love with the game at first sight. However, many friends still have many questions about the game. They may not know exactly how to complete it. There are skills to completing these challenges. Now I will share with you this guide with details about the location of the cooking trainer in World of Warcraft Classic.
Aregon: Darnassus (50,36)
Chef Grim: Dun Morogh (75,52)
Clegnorward: Dustwallow Marsh (66,45)
Crystal Bowman: Redridge Mountains (22,40)
Daryl Reiknusso: Ironforge (60,36)
Grimrock Pisnor: Dun Morogh (54,50)
Stephen Ryback: Stormwind (77,53)
Chef Thomas: Elwynn Forest (44,66)
Zareen: Teldrassil (57,61)
Askar Mistwalker: Thunder Bluff (51,52)
Eunnes Burch: Undercity (62,44)
Marduk: Stranglethorn Vale (37,49)
Pyre Silent Walker: Mulgore (45,57)
Slug: Arathi Highlands (69,34)
Zamsha: Orgrimmar (32,69)