"Collapsed Star Railroad" brings players many new and interesting activities and content. This guide will introduce in detail how to deal with the difficulties and provide experienced gameplay.
In the first level of the new event, as long as the weakness of "King's Next Bucket" is successfully broken, the weak point breaking effect will be exerted on all enemies. Therefore, we prioritize the basic attacks, combat skills, and finishing moves to target "King's Next Bucket" and then carry out weak point-breaking attacks on it.
1. For Tunmun players who do not have powerful characters, you can try using active trial characters for fully automatic games.
2. By following this method, you can successfully pass the SS level, and to get full rewards, you only need to pass the second stage of "Kokolia".
3. When trying more team formation methods, for example, without the Golden Bell, although you can achieve more level gains, you cannot clear the level in fully automatic mode and can only achieve an S rating.
Therefore, the above team configuration is what I think is the best team configuration under full automation. However, you can clear the second stage of "Kokolia" fully automatically and get full event rewards.
I hope this guide can help you better pass the game and enjoy the game "Collapsed Sky Rail". For more game guides and information, please continue to pay attention to our article updates.