Many players have encountered some problems in the game, which has caused the game progress to be delayed a lot. Among the many questions, what is the meaning of the Qiuqiu language in the original Mystery Qiutanyouxing of the Magic Realm is the most troublesome question for players. If you want to speed up the progress of the game, then you must not miss this guide brought to you by the editor of Source Let’s not talk too much and let’s go on.
"Nini movo muhe yoyo!"
nini: thunder element
movo: wind element, flow
muhe: like
yoyo: you; wine
My personal translation is: Greet you with a storm!
"Mi muhe ye!"
I love you!
The in-game text appears in Volume 1 of "Selected Poems of the Qiuqiu People".
In the plot of the Mondstadt Wind and Flower Festival in version 1.4, the only love poem written by Kaia is this sentence in Qiuqiu language.