What are the cheat codes for The Sims 4? To use the cheat code, you need to press the keys CTRL+SHIFT+C at the same time. A text input box will appear at the top of the screen. Enter the following text cheat code (and press the Enter key). Then follow the editor to learn about "The Sims" 4》Complete collection of cheat codes.
How to enter (open) cheats for The Sims 4:
The Cheat Console can be brought up by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the following text into the text input field that appears at the top of the screen.
Press the keys CTRL+SHIFT+C at the same time, and a text input box will appear at the top of the screen. Enter the following text cheats (and press the Enter key).
The cheat code is the text in quotes below. on/off, true/false, etc. are on/off, choose one according to your needs. (The method of entering (opening) cheat codes in The Sims 4 is the same as in The Sims 3.)
The Sims 4 official cheats directory:
• "Help"-Listsalvailablecommandsintothecommandconsole.Thiswillonlylistcheatsavailabletotheplayers.
List all available cheats. (Detailed translation + explanation: Enter "Help" to ask the game to list all available cheats and provide help and reference. Only cheats open to players.)
• “resetSim {FirstName} {LastName}”-ResetstheSim.
Reset Sims. You can add the name of a certain Sim after resetSim. (Guess: You can add * after resetSim to reset all Sims in the city. Same as Sims3.)
• “fullscreen”-togglesfullscreenonoroff
Switch between full screen and windowed game modes.
• “headlineeffects {on/off}“-HidesallheadlineeffectsincludingthePlumbbob,thoughtballoons,etc.
Hide or show special effects above your Sims' heads, including crystals, thought bubbles, and more. (Useful for taking photos of Sims, taking screenshots for theater, etc.)
• "|Death.toggle" - Disables Death so that Sims don'tdie.
"Won't Die": Strictly prohibits Sims from dying and turns off the possibility of death. (It should be a new cheat code for The Sims 4. It is very useful for players who care for their Sims.)
• "FreeRealEstate [on|off]"-Canbeenteredatneighborhood/world.Ifon,allhomesarefreewhilethecheatisactive.
"Free real estate". Can be entered under the community/town (world) interface to make any house free.
• “motherlode”-provides50000Simoleons
Add 50,000 simulated coins.
• “kaching”-provides1000Simoleons
Add 1000 simulated coins.
• “rosebud”-provides1000Simoleons
Add 1000 simulated coins. (It also seems to be an ancient secret book for Sims1.)
•Pressing “Shift + ]”increasesthesizeofobjects
Press the keys "Shift + ]" at the same time to enlarge the size of the object. (It should be a new cheat code for The Sims 4. It may be available in life mode or construction mode. It is very practical for building houses.)
• “testingcheats {true/false}”-Enablestheuseoffurthercheats
Open the cheat code. More cheats are available. (The function is the same as the Sims3 cheat code, but the cheat code is written differently.)
(The following are basically functions that can only be realized after opening the cheat code.)
Entering "testingcheats true" , then entering "cas.fulleditmode" allowsallCASabilities.
First enter "testingcheats true" to open the cheat code, and then enter the cheat code "cas.fulleditmode" to open all CAS functions (literal translation, I don't quite understand. Does it unlock CAS professional clothing, etc.?)
After typing "testingcheats true" to open the cheat code, hold down the "Shift" button and left-click on an item or Sim. New options and functions (cheats) will appear.
Hold down the "Shift" key and left-click on the Sim:
- "Reset Object", which will reset theSim.
Reset this Sim.
- "Add to Family" which adds theSimtothecurrentfamily.
Add this Sim to the current household.
- "Cheat Motive > Make Happy" whichsetsallmotivestofullandsetmoodtoHappy.
Makes the Sim's needs full and their mood changes to Happy.
- "Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay" whichallowsallmotivestoremainstatic(iftheyhadbeenenabled).
Makes this Sim's needs static. (Demand no longer changes. Prevents demand from falling. Used when previous Sims' demand was dynamic.)
- "Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay" whichallowsallmotivestochangedynamically(iftheyhadbeendisabled).
Make this Sim's needs dynamic. (Allows demand to change automatically. Previously used when Sims demand was static.)
Hold down the "Shift" key and click the object with the left mouse button:
- "Reset Object", which will reset the object.
Reset the object.
Hold down the "Shift" button and click the left mouse button on a dirty item (for example: toilet, sink, etc.):
- "Make Dirty", which will make the object dirty.
Make the object dirty.
Hold down the "Shift" key and click with the left mouse button on the dirty item:
- "Make Clean", which will make the object clean.
Makes the object clean.
Hold down the "Shift" key and click with the left mouse button on the mailbox (postbox):
- "Reset Object", which will reset the object.
Reset the object.
Hold down the "Shift" button and click with the left mouse button on the road surface:
- "Teleport Me Here" whichTeleportstheselectedSimasclosetotheclickedspotasitcan.
"Teleport (teleport) here." Teleport (teleport) the currently selected Sim to the location closest to where the left mouse button was clicked.
Hold down the "Shift" key and left-click on the Sim:
- "Modify in CAS" willalloweditingofeverythingbutnamechangeandmodifyinginheritedtraits.
"Enter CAS editing". Allows modification of everything except the character's name and genetic characteristics.