In the brain detective game of avoiding snow in winter to help a family avoid snow and clear the level, the gameplay is a highlight, it is very playable, and it is also very sophisticated in production. The painting style and dubbing effects are very good, and the experience is really good. , this website has also compiled the game’s details about Brain Detective Avoiding Snow in Winter to help a family avoid snow and clear the level, and other related strategies to help each player solve game problems. It is a professional strategy platform, so collect it now!
Avoid snow in winter
Goal: Help a family avoid snow
1. Drag the money to the rag first, and then to the home
2. Drag the money to the baby, the floor, the stroller, the mother, the apple on the ground, and the mouse.
3. Then drag the cheese on the table to the mouse. The mouse will spit out the medicine and drag the medicine to the baby.
This is the introduction of the brain detective's guide to avoiding snow in winter and helping a family avoid snow and clear the level. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. More high-quality guides can be found on the source code website.