One of the core issues of local portal websites is the design of profit models. Under the overwhelming bombardment of terms such as mediaization, e-commerce, communityization, and verticalization, countless webmasters are trembling with fear and dizziness. I can guarantee that the vast majority of them have the same mentality as the onlookers in "The Emperor's New Clothes": they don't understand but dare not say - what is mediaization? What is e-commerce?
It must be pointed out that the core of the profit model does not lie in "technology", but "technology" is the basis of the profit model - operating technology. The key point of the profit model is the analysis, design and implementation of the value chain. That is: who gives you money, when and where to collect money, at what point you can collect more money, and at what point is it safe and reliable to collect money.
To sum up, we can think according to this framework:
1. The problems we face are as follows:
·How to start designing a profit model?
·How to set the nodes of the profit model?
·What are the differences in the profit models of different industries?
·The carrier of the profit model-how to design the sales products?
For these questions, we make the following analysis: 1. Can our website provide a complete value chain for the industry we face? In other words, does the industry value chain form a closed-loop structure on the website?
For example, Alibaba's merchant community can form a closed loop for B2B business, but cannot form a closed loop for B2C; Taobao community can form a closed loop for B2C where both buyers and sellers exist. The China Securities Brokers Collaboration Network, founded by my friend Mr. Gu Zhaohua, cannot form a closed loop of transactions between investors and brokers or fund companies, but the recruitment advertisements sell well - during the broker recruitment process, transactions form a closed loop.
2. Where are the nodes that affect transactions? We know that the key links in transactions are recognition, search, trust, buying and selling, and after-sales. Awareness, search, trust, and after-sales are media or media services, and buying and selling are e-commerce services.
For example: Sina advertising allows sellers to know sellers. Baidu lets buyers find sellers. In the community of local websites, buyers gain trust through netizens’ consumption sharing and interaction with sellers.
3. What are the differences between industry nodes? Analyzing the industry, the conclusion is that it is the buying and selling link.
The size of the case, whether it needs to be customized, and how it is settled are the factors that have a major impact on industry differences. Real estate, home (or wedding) approach is very different.
4. How to design service products?
Industry experience and cases tell us: there is not much difference. Single node and multiple nodes, single service and packaged service are all possible.
2. Based on research and thinking, I abstracted this prototype of the local portal website profit model:
Figure: Local portal website profit model model
The above prototype is a closed-loop structure, with buyers and sellers appearing in the model at the same time:
·User: Website user, in this model, only refers to the buyer.
·Media: Polymorphic media services of local portals, including advertising, portals, and communities. The difference between media services and media is that media generates content and also has media functions.
·Media: off-site promotion methods. Note that word of mouth is also a good means of promotion!
·E-commerce: Polymorphic e-commerce methods, buying and selling process.
·Customer: Seller.
3. We can get the following rules:
1. We set up profit nodes during the transaction process between users and customers.
2. The best nodes are media or media nodes and e-commerce nodes.
3. Different industries have different profit nodes based on different attributes.
4. Local website media and e-commerce are both polymorphic.
5. Media generates traffic, and e-commerce consumes traffic.
Through such a prototype, we can design a simple and clear profit model. (Text/Ning Zhe Network Zhou Ning)