The problem of finding characters in the evolution of Chinese characters is a small problem that everyone will encounter in the game. The solution to this problem is very simple. In addition, there are several solutions to this problem. The editor of Source Code Network has summarized these for users. Please watch the solution in detail.
1. In addition to numbers, there are 12 characters in total: gong, fu, 巭 (gu), gong, 丄, 丅, 丨, force, 丿, big, person, and 亅.
2. In this level, you are required to find Chinese characters other than numbers, so one, two, and three are not allowed.
Above the 巭 is the character Gong, and below it is the character 夫. Gong can be divided into work and force, and Yamato people can be found in the character husband.
3. 丄, 丅, 丿, 亅, etc. in the character 巭 are also Chinese characters, so don’t ignore them.