Make sure your internet connection is working properly. You can test this by opening a web page, watching a video, or using an online tool.
Make sure the device is connected to a stable network. If it is a wireless network, you can try to reconnect or switch to a wired connection to get more stable network quality.
Try restarting the game and device, some minor issues can be resolved this way.
Close the game and shut down the device completely. Wait a few minutes before restarting your device and opening the game to see if the issue has been resolved.
Game developers will continue to optimize the game and provide updates to fix some known issues. Make sure your game version is up to date and check for any operating system updates, sometimes older software versions can cause authentication server unavailability issues.
Check that the game version is up-to-date and check if there are any operating system updates. Sometimes old software versions can cause authentication server unavailability issues.
Game companies usually issue an announcement after maintaining or repairing certification servers to inform players that the problem has been resolved and they can wait patiently and pay attention to notifications from official channels.
When the problem of unavailability of the authentication server persists, you can contact the game customer service for help.