1. Task collection :
- When you first meet Lampakati, he will give you the task "Cooking is the natural flavor". If you don't see him, you can use [Old Poetry] on a nearby stone to wake him up.
2. Treatment of Lannaro :
- Use grass element to heal Lanaro, and restore his health through grass element attacks.
3. Go to Erjingdian :
- Follow the instructions at the Seven Heavens Statue. You may encounter mechanisms that require lowering the water level along the way.
4. Mechanisms and battles :
- To activate the mechanism, you need to defeat the ruin monster and then enter the cave.
5. Lift the dead zone :
- After the water level drops, you will encounter a dead zone when you enter the depths. Use grass seeds to attack three branches and defeat the monsters to remove it.
6. Harvest mushrooms :
- After clearing the dead zone, you will find mushrooms deep in the cave. Collect it to complete the mission.
Summarize :
• The key is to operate the mechanism to lower the water level, deal with the ruin monsters, use grass seeds to fight against the dead zone, and finally find and collect mushrooms in the cave.