A quick guide to finding trouble with King Juan in Chinese characters. In this level, you need to find the lyrics of King Juan in the picture and eliminate them according to the order of the lyrics. The lyrics are that he will go to the longest class in the world and then buy the most expensive house in the world. , he wants to take the least vacation in the world. The less hair he has, the more slutty he is. He wants to have a drink with everything. My friend, how can you go home if you don’t have any money?
You need to find the lyrics of King of Rolls in the picture and eliminate them in the order of the lyrics.
The lyrics to King of Rolls are as follows:
1. He has to attend the longest class in the world.
2. Buy the most expensive house in the world.
3. He wants to take the least vacation in the world.
4. The less hair he has, the more wavy he is.
5. Let’s add a glass of wine to everything, my friend.
3. How can you go home if you don’t have any money?