• Accessories : Place "tea break meals" to add a touch of comfort to the environment.
• Ornaments : Choose "Soothing Music" to create a relaxing atmosphere.
• Seat : Place a "lunch nap" to give cats a comfortable place to nap.
• Standing cabinets : Set up "Yingji bookcases" to increase the cultural atmosphere of the room.
• Operation sequence : Click in the order of 2212, no specific order is required, just feed.
• Tips for petting cats :
1. Tap the face four times
2. Click on the upper body three times
3. Right paw three times
4. Left paw three times
5. Lower your body three times
6. Finally, don’t forget to touch the ears until the love gauge is full.
• Feeding cats in the light spot area, I encountered a white cat on the first day.
• Pay attention to the touching parts. Except for the tail and ears, all other parts can be interacted with.
Now that you have mastered how to successfully pass the first level of "Ice Cream's Warm Nest", go and experience this warm cat interaction session! Remember to take more care of it and let the kitten feel your love!