1. Time planning: 19:00 - 23:00 every day , ensuring that you can be active at Taiye Lake within a specific period of time.
2. Mission trigger: Teleport to the Taiye Autumn Wind area , where there will be special activities waiting for you.
3. Poetry reciting interaction: During this period, participate in the poetry interactive session and choose the correct verses.
4. Verse selection:
-Please refer to the correct options below (picture display)
5. Achievements and rewards: After successfully completing the verse selection, you can not only experience cultural activities, but also receive generous rewards and unlock the achievement " Taiye Autumn Wind ".
Frequently Asked Questions from Users:
1. Q: How do you know which verse is correct?
A: Refer to the officially released verse tips or in-game activity guidelines. There are usually clear selection tips.
2. Q: Is the Taiye Autumn Wind event only held at night?
A: Yes, the event time is limited to 19:00 to 23:00 every night, don’t miss this time period.
3. Q: Are there any additional benefits after completing the achievement?
A: After completing the Taiye Autumn Wind achievement, in addition to the sense of accomplishment of the achievement itself, you may also receive special in-game rewards, such as experience, props or limited appearances.