In the world of Persona Nightmare, finding the cute orange cat Chata and his hidden treasures is no easy task. Every corner of Shigen Teahouse may contain surprises. Here is a detailed guide to the treasure hunt route:
• Location 1 : At the edge of the map, you will find an inconspicuous trash can, which may contain key clues.
• Position 2 : Between two carefully decorated flower beds, there is an unexpected gift.
• Position 3 : There may be Chata’s footprints hidden in the gap between two abandoned vending machines.
• Location 4 : Walk along the alley and you will find a red plastic box, open it and the treasure is inside.
• Location 5 : Next to the Takemi Myo Clinic, don’t forget to pay attention to those seemingly ordinary cracks, where Chata may be hiding.
But to really impress Chata, you need to show that you care. Buy some canned cats for it in a nearby supermarket without spending a penny, and then bring it back, and it will reward you with treasures.
• Location 6 : In the flower pots on the roadside, hidden treasures await willing adventurers.
Remember, interaction with Chata is the key to solving the puzzle. I wish you good luck on your treasure hunt at Shigen Tea House!