In many games, we often encounter similar problems like how to use the cheats in Age of Empires 2. In fact, this problem is easy to solve, but many friends still don’t know the solution to how to use the cheats in Age of Empires 2. For this reason The editor here has compiled the solutions on how to use the cheats in Age of Empires 2. Let’s take a look at the solutions with the editor.
Enter, open the box, enter the cheat code, and then Enter.
how do you turn this on——Summon a Cobra sports car with amazing speed and explosive damage. Be careful not to let the AI monk Vululu take it away.
to smithereens - get one (similar to the castle unit "Demolition Soldier")
i love the monkey head - get a VDML (villager unit, map running comparable to Bolt, map exploration artifact. Cannot fight, can be stationed, increase the number of attached arrows)
Furious the monkey boy——Get a furious monkey boy (low health, low movement speed, double defense, super high attack power)
i don't exist - get a penguin (attribute ≈ champion swordsman)
alpaca simulator——Get a cute alpaca Alfred (high blood volume, high double defense, explosive attack power, one sheep ≈ ten rangers)
catzor - Obtain a shark-riding holy cat (the only flying unit in the empire, range 10, fast movement speed, high blood volume, high attack, splash and explosion when attacking)
rowshep - add 100,000 to all resources
ninjalui——same as above
cheese steak jimmy's - get 10,000 food
lumberjack - get 10,000 lumber
robin hood - get 10,000 gold
rock on - get 10,000 stones
marco - display (enter again to close)
polo - fog (lose again to close)
aegis - all research, production, and collection are completed in seconds and take effect on all players (can be turned off if you lose again)
noui - remove all UI (resource bar, mini map, etc.) (enter noui again or press Esc to exit)
ir winner——win immediately
resign——fail immediately
black death - destroy all other players, including allies
wimpywimpywimpy - suicide, = immediate failure
torpedoX - Defeat player X immediately, X represents the player's numerical number
natural wonders - control natural creatures and lose control of player civilization (irreversible)
woof woof - Turn birds into storm dogs
!mute - Turn off the taunting voice in the chat (for example, the evil laughter represented by 11)
!nomute - Cancel !mute
going above and beyond - technology can be repeatedly researched and superimposed 256 times.
photon man - get a photon man
tech tech one two free——Upgrade technology for free
yes we khan - In the Genghis Khan campaign, upgrade all Mongol cavalry of all players to Genghis Khan
put on your capes - all players' infantry units become elite Teutonic warriors (both appearance and attributes change; spearmen can also be transformed)
furious the monkey boy – Created an “angry monkey boy”.
It has great ability to destroy buildings, but it is very slow and will die after being hit nine times.
torpedo XXXXX - Kill the specified enemy, where "X" opponent number is 1 to 8