In fact, in the game, from time to time we encounter what to do if the Condor Hiranohara jade is missing by one. In fact, there is no need to worry, just these few small steps can solve this problem.
It is recommended that players carefully recall which two pieces of jade they obtained. If it is not possible, follow the following guide and do it again.
You need to talk to the demon cub in Pingyeyuan , select Welcome Back, and you can get the first jade stone.
You need to go to the waterwheel near Naganohara, find a gravity chest and open the level to get the second jade.
You need to find the carved treasure nearby and talk to the carved treasure. The order of decryption is outward, left and inward. After placing it correctly, you can get rewards.
After coming out, you can find an unnamed pig near the carved treasure. Follow it and you can get the third piece in the nearby animal trap .