After inserting FLASH into Dreamweaver, you can also have many control parameters. Click the parameter button on the lower right side of the properties panel to add parameters and values. You can control it freely. It is recommended to download the latest FLASH4 OBJECT plug-in, so that the plug-in that supports FLASH4 can be installed correctly and automatically. If not, you can manually change the following two paths.
Note: Those with "*" can have the same parameters as in the FLASH property panel in DW when inserting. True means valid and false means invalid.
SRC: *.swf (flash file name)*
move: *.swf (flash file)*
CLASSID: clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 (ActiveX identification must be accurate)*
N or N% (flash width setting)*
HEIGH: N or N% (flash height setting, using percentage can automatically fit the browser)*
(Download the address of the plug-in. If you use DW2.01 and its FLASH insertion code is wrong. If you want to download the latest FLASH4 OBJECT plug-in, go to your hometown to find it. Otherwise, it is easy to cause problems. After all, there is a big difference between 3 and 4. A little bit)*
(Same as above, but only NS is taken care of)*
SWLIVECONNECT: true | false (only for NS, forced to use JAVA)
PLAY: true | false (whether to play FLASH from the beginning)*
LOOP: true | false (true=loop, false=play once)*
QUALITY: low | high | autolow | autohigh | best (animation quality, not much to say)*
BGCOLOR: #RRGGBB (Set the background color, ignore the background setting in FLASH)*
SCALE: showall | noborder | exactfit (how to display the flash if the height and width of the flash are defined)*
ALIGN: L | R | T | B (similar to IMG’s alignment, but DW has more absolute center and absolute bottom)*
SALIGN: L | R | T | B | TL | TR | BL | BR (How to align the flash if the height and width of the flash are defined)
BASE: base directory or URL (can help the flash file locate your address)
MENU: true | false (controlling the right-click menu of the mouse is somewhat useful, but FLASH4's own FSCOMMAND can also control it)
WMODE: Window | Opaque | Transparent (the emphasis is on the third one, which is that the background is transparent, just like a GIF file, only It can be used for Windows version of IE. There is no difference between the first {default window mode} and the second {opaque}. Does anyone know, please tell me)
devicefont: true | false (true=use system font, false=do not use system font)