I believe that players who have played Hades games all know that operations are very important in the game. Good operations can greatly improve your combat effectiveness. However, some players have encountered Hades 2 cards when performing some complex operations. How many blessings does Russia have? Below, the editor of Source Code Network will teach you how to solve this problem.
Trance and chaos
Over the next four battles, each time you cast a spell ward, your health will be reduced by six points.
Ordinary chaos
The next three blessings you receive will all be of the normal type.
excruciating chaos
Over the next five battles, you'll take 48% more damage.
trudging chaos
For the next three battles, your sprint speed will be slowed, and each skill you cast will cost you five mana points (if any).
sharp chaos
Over the next four battles, defeated enemy units will throw an Infernal Bomb at you.
Silent confusion
For the next three battles, each time you use your Omega move ability, your health will be reduced by eight points.
exhausted chaos
For the next four battles, your maximum health will be reduced by 25 points.
confused confusion
For the next five locations, location reward previews will be temporarily hidden.
Persistent chaos
Whenever you use mana during the next three battles, it will be stored.
resource-starved chaos
For the next nine battles, your Arcana cards will lose their original effect.
the chaos of poverty
During the next five battles, you won't gain any money.
a broken mess
For the next four battles, each time you attack, your health will be reduced by four points.
The chaos of denial
Your options for the next three blessings will be reduced by one.
Breaking free from the chaos
For the next four battles, each time you cast a special skill, your health will be reduced by four points.
The chaos of laziness
For the next five battles, your movement and running speed will be reduced by 54%.
insensitive confusion
For the next five battles, whenever you take damage, you will be knocked unconscious for 0.6 seconds.
destined chaos
You must complete the next three battles within 120 seconds or your health will be reduced by 500 points.
abyss of chaos
From now on, your enchantment damage will be increased by 26%.
blood of chaos
From then on, whenever you leave a location, you regain three health points.
Chaos creation
From now on, you will gain +1 to all attributes.
Chaos Awakening
From now on, your Omega moves will channel 14% faster.
Chaos discovery
From this point on, your collection tool will have a 67% chance of collecting +100% resources.
Soul of Chaos
From this point on, you will gain +32 maximum health.
Thoughts of Chaos
From this point on, you will gain +39 mana cap.
Chaos Talent
From now on, your mana consumption will be reduced by 25%.
The will of chaos
From then on, you will regain 5 mana points every second.
Chaos Fortune
From now on, all money you find will increase in value by +40%.
Spawn of Chaos
From now on, Blessings will have a +45% chance of reaching Rare or higher.
Chaos stunt
From now on, your Special Skill damage will be increased by +56%.
speed of chaos
From now on, your movement and running speed will be increased by 30%.