Huanshou Palu cloud server has excellent security and scalability parameters, providing players with smooth, safe, and reliable game services. By understanding and changing these parameters, players can better choose and use cloud servers.
Difficulty=None, server difficulty setting
DayTirespeedRate=1.000000, time elapse rate during the day
NightTimespcedRate=1.000000, the rate of time passing at night
ExpRate=1.000000, experience gain rate
PalcaptureRate=1.000000, the rate of capturing Pal
PalSpawnNumRate=1.000000, the rate at which Pal is generated
PalDamageRateAttack=1.000000, Pal’s attack damage ratio
PalDamageRateDefense=1.000000, Pal’s defense damage ratio
PlayerDarageRateAttack=1.000000, the player’s attack damage ratio
PlaverDamageRateDefcnse=1.000000, the player’s defense damage ratio
PlayerstomachDecreaceRate=1.000000, player appetite reduction rate
PlaverStaminaDecreaceRate=1.000000, Wanjing’s stamina reduction rate