Unlimited cfstar skin game collection has begun to cheer for the World Championships. Between August 26th and September 1st, cfstar skins can be obtained for free for a limited time, but you must go to the designated website to get them. I will share with you how to get them below. address.
1. Event address: https://cf.qq.com/cp/a20230801august/pc/index.shtml
2. The event period is from August 26th to September 1st . During this period, you can get the Fire Kirin-CF Star skin by playing the game online.
3. But you have to play the game every week for eight weeks before November 30th to keep the skin permanently.
4. Scroll down the website and you can see that you can go to the lottery after watching the game for five minutes on the day of the game and have a chance to win Shura-CF Star skin .