1. $this is a reference to the current object. There is a pointer in $this. Whoever calls it will point to it. It can only be used within the class.
2. $this cannot be used to access static properties, because static properties are bound to classes.
Can only be accessed by static, self and parent.
class MyClass1 { public $public = 'Public'; protected $protected = 'Protected'; private $private = 'Private'; function printHello() { echo $this->public; echo $this->protected; echo $this->private; } } class MyClass2 extends MyClass1 { public $public = 'Public2'; protected $protected = 'Protected2'; private $private = 'Private2'; } $obj = new MyClass1(); $obj -> printHello(); //Public Protected Private $obj2 = new MyClass2(); $obj2 -> printHello(); //Public2 Protected2 Private
The above is the introduction to $this in php. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.