The Mi Zai Travels the World in the Name of Shining event lasts for 14 days. The initial capital is 300. If you reach 45 activity levels every day, you will get two opportunities. There are a total of 28 opportunities. Mi Zai has 3 distances and 8 directions.
1. There are eight directions in total. The first time you visit a special attraction in one direction can get a title.
2. You are guaranteed to go to special attractions four times in each direction, and you will get four titles for free in this round.
3. There will be another round of this free national server, so I will definitely get it all.
4. If you get all the titles in all eight directions, that is, if you have visited special attractions in all eight directions, you can get the title of Cat Explorer.
5. There is another title: Cat Claws All Over the World. You can get it by going to ten locations. You can get this title at any one of them.
6. How to check whether you have visited special attractions? Click on the cat's paw on the map. Special attractions will reward you with the maximum 190 cat coins.