"The story begins in a rainless forest" in "Genshin Impact" is an important world quest in the Xumi region, involving the quest line of the Forest Book series. Completing this series of quests will help you gain a deeper understanding of the backstory and characters of the Sumeru region. Here are the brief steps to complete the "The Story Begins in a Rainless Forest" quest:
1. Open the activity and click Start Reading in the version activity interface to receive the task.
2. Follow the task prompts to complete the dialogue plot, and follow the paper frog ahead.
3. Open the teleportation anchor points along the way, pass the wooden bridge, and follow the red arrow in the picture to go to the blessing hut on the top of the mountain.
4. After completing the plot, help the forest residents connect the pipes with Nilu. After completing the task, you can get the treasure chest.
5. Open the map and teleport to a nearby anchor point. Follow the prompts to reach the task location to trigger the completion of task 2 of helping forest residents with Nilu. Click on the jumping frog to complete the task.
6. Open the teleportation anchor point on the left, walk right at the anchor point, and reach the red box in the picture.
7. After triggering the third task of helping forest residents with Nelu, you can complete it by operating the alpaca to pick up the hamster and put it in the bucket.
8. Follow the guide to reach the blessing hut on the top of the mountain, and trigger the task of collecting materials for making potions.
9. After completing the conversation and picking up these three materials, return to the Blessing Hut and talk to Elder Xingxin.
10. Finally, open the map to teleport the first anchor point, and complete the dialogue to complete the mission.
The above is all about how to complete the mission in the rainless forest where the story of "Genshin Impact" begins. For more game guides, please click on the source code website.