Minecraft Bedrock Edition, also known as mc bedrock edition, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft christmas edition, minecraft game bedrock edition, minecraft bedrock edition firearms. At first, the world of Minecraft Bedrock Edition doesn't look exciting at all, but it is a free world in which you can create anything, including the environment in the game. Here, you are God.
How to get gold coins in minecraft bedrock edition? 1. Dig gems underground or in the ocean. Each gem can be exchanged for 9 gold coins. 2. Exchange golden keys to upgrade treasure chests. Exchange golden keys to get 10 gold coins. 3. Buy and sell items in the online store. 4. Kill monsters. Drop gold coins 5. Plant golden apples in the plantation, each golden apple can be exchanged for 2 gold coins 6. Dig treasure chests in the jungle or desert, there will be boxes for gold coins in the treasure chests 7. Dig in hills and valleys, you can Discover gold mines 8. Dig in the magma cave to get gold nuggets 9. Collect wood in the wood factory to get gold coins