"Tom and Jerry Mobile Game" is an interactive parkour mobile game officially authorized by Warner's classic animation "Tom and Jerry" and sincerely created by NetEase Games. It has a new funny and healing style. Tom joins hands with Jerry, good friends to parkour. With various props and weapons, you can enjoy playing anytime and anywhere. The scenes and characters are restored to perfection, taking you back to your childhood at 6 o'clock every afternoon when you come home from school.
How to check the rankings in the Tom and Jerry mobile game?
Find the Tom and Jerry game on your phone and click to open it, as shown in the picture below.
After opening the game, click Login, as shown in the picture below.
After entering the main interface of the game, find the ranking button on the lower left side of the game and click on it.
After entering the ranking interface, click the friends button in the rankings so that we can rank through friends.
After clicking the competition area button, you will be ranked by competition area, as shown in the figure below.
The rankings are divided into ladder, ability, combat, role and entertainment. There are subdivisions under it, you can check it out slowly below.