Recently, there is such a game that has conquered a large number of players with its unique gameplay and exquisite graphics. In addition to the gameplay and graphics, this game also has some very special mechanisms, which greatly enhance the difficulty of the game. Today, the editor of brings you a guide on how to use the weak pubg BRIC network in the game.
How to use:
1. Implement network proxy:
If you need to use a proxy method to simulate a weak BRIC network, please set the corresponding server address and port as a network proxy in the network settings of the terminal device.
2. Enable and adjust weak network environment:
There are a variety of built-in network environment options that can be selected or customized, such as speed limit, packet loss, delay time and other related parameters.
After the setup is complete, start the weak network simulation, which will have an impact on the network your device is connected to.
3. Carry out the testing process:
When the weak network environment is enabled, necessary functionality and performance tests can be conducted on the target application or website.
To compare and analyze their operation in various network environments.
4. Terminate weak network simulation:
After the test is completed, be sure to close or pause the weak network simulation to restore the device to normal network status.