In "Frost Age 2", the conditions for achieving achievements vary. Now share these key conditions with you. A variety of tasks and objectives are covered, from resource management to strategic decision-making. Knowing these conditions will allow you to work hard in a targeted manner and successfully unlock achievements one by one, adding to the fun and sense of accomplishment of the game.
Trust reaches its limit
Double starting research speed
Pass at least 20 new laws in one game
Has 10 hub-affected areas
Have at least 50 calorie coupon income
In a city of at least 30,000 people, there is no crime and tension
Simultaneous rallies and protests in cities
Complete story mode on any difficulty
Under the premise that the population reaches at least 15,000, the city can operate continuously for 50 weeks without any problems.
Don't let the civil war spread to 5 or more regions
Achieve "disease-free" and "cold-free" for 20 consecutive weeks when the temperature is at least -100 degrees Celsius
Build 3 colonies
Achieve “dirty-free” hygienic status despite material requirements reaching 1000
Apply at least 5 different area effects to an area
Complete the game once without inviting anyone from the Frozen Wastes
When any law is voted on, it has the support of all representatives
Research 600 different ideas in 60 weeks
Fulfill at least 1 promise to 5 different communities and factions in one playthrough
Supply at least 300 units of heat energy requirements via steam while ensuring no contamination
Make at least 90% of your city's population active workers
Never be in danger of losing your position due to low trust or high tension
Maintain "loyal" relations with all communities and factions
Complete a game in Utopia Builder mode
Sitting on 20,000 warm coupons and 20,000 product reserves
The main city has a population of more than 60,000
Complete the story on at least Archon difficulty
There are no deaths due to civil war throughout the game
Relations with any community or faction were never below "suspicious"
The "supreme leadership" policy was adopted without any objections
Complete the game without any avoidable deaths
Complete the story on Captain difficulty
The population outside the main city exceeds 50,000
Complete the game without collecting any resources from the Frozen Wasteland or Colonies
Meet all factions in Utopia Builder mode
Never study buildings that contradict existing properties or pass laws that contradict existing properties
Complete the story without passing any rule laws at least on Captain difficulty
Complete all ambitions in Utopia Builder mode