The warrior macro command is a shortcut used by players in World of Warcraft. It can help them release skills or complete operations faster in dungeons and PVP. It is recommended to set it up if you want to seriously play in groups and PVP.
Charge macro command: /cast charge
Heroic Throw Macro: /cast Heroic Throw
Start attack macro command: /startattack
Execute macro command: #showtooltip Execute/startattack/cast Execute
Stormhammer macro command: /cast [target=arena1]Stormhammer
Cancel windmill macro: #showtooltip bladestorm/cast bladestorm/cancelaura bladestorm
Focus breaking macro command: #showtooltip breaking the courage roar/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] breaking the courage roar
Target assistance macro command: /show assistance/cast [target= target name] assistance
Warrior macro command setting method
1. First press esc to open the menu and select the Set Macro option.
2. Then enter the desired command above in the command box, set an icon, and save it for use.