Import Jstl tag library
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
Need to import jstl.jar and standard.jar
c:forEach --> Iterate labels to iterate List or Map
<c:forEach var="person" items="${list}">
<c:foreach var="entry" items="${map }"> Iterate over the set collection returned by map.entrySet()
${entry.key } : ${entry.value }
<c:forEach var="num" begin="1" end="9" step="1">
<!-- ${status} obtains an object, which contains the current iteration -->
<c:forEach var="str" items="${list }" varStatus="status">
c:if --> Determine label
<c:if test="${user!=null}" var="result"> If user exists, result will be true
<c:out value="${data }" default="aaaaa" escapeXml="true"></c:out>
<!-- c:set can operate the javabean Map collection of each domain-->
<c:set var="data" value="xxxxxx" scope="page"></c:set>Change the value of data;
<c:set property="propertyname" value="valuexx" target="${map }"></c:set>
<c:set property="name" value="uuuuuu" target="${person }"></c:set>
<c:catch var="ex">
int x = 1 / 0;
c:forTokens --> Split tags
<c:forTokens var="ss" items="${data1 }" delims=",">
c:url --> Generate URL
<c:url var="uurrll" value="/example/ind1ex.jsp">
<c:param name="namechina" value="China"></c:param>
<a href="${uurrll }">hreftext</a>