Link: official website
If you've ever played any Dark Souls, you'll know about the game's bonfire teleportation. They allow you to teleport between their locations and even between different dimensions. They also serve as your spawn point, and you can teleport to these locations at any time.
When you light a campfire, it will allow you to name the campfire and you can easily teleport to the designated location.
Teleportation is easy Just right-click on any bonfire and it will pop up a window with all the waypoints you've created, then click on the one you want to go to.
If you're far from the campfire, just create a Homecoming Bone and right-click on it to instantly teleport to your last spawn point.
Now you have a simple teleportation method that is perfect for running around. Especially useful when you're in a tough fight.
For Minecraft 1.11: File Download
For Minecraft 1.10.2: File download