A few days ago, I took over the new site and observed the logs and found that only the home page returned the 200 0 64 status code, and other pages returned to normal.
First of all, the 200 0 64 status code is certainly unreasonable. This is understandable. So what does the return of the 200 0 64 status code mean? Searching online, everyone has something to say.
The situation of 200 0 64 appearing in the server log is often encountered by webmasters. There is a saying that the appearance of this sign means that Baidu wants to K station, so as long as the 200 0 64 sign appears in the log, many webmasters are terrified and think that their websites are going to be finished. Is 200 0 64 the logo of Baidu K station? I think there is no complete evidence to support that this statement is reasonable. It is possible that this mark will appear on sites that have been deleted by Baidu. But will sites with this mark definitely be banned? I don’t think so.
We all know that the normal search engine crawling flag is 200 0 0, so what will happen if 200 0 64 appears. After a period of observation and comparison, I personally believe that the appearance of this logo may be another meaning of Baidu, which is that Baidu snapshots are not updated for the time being, which is the legendary Baidu Sandbox. It means that Baidu is reviewing the site (or this page) and will not update the snapshot for the time being.
One of our new sites was not long after it was launched, and Baidu only included the homepage. That is, it was in the so-called Baidu inspection period for the new site. Checking its logs, we found that the 200 0 64 flag appears frequently, especially on the homepage, where almost all are 200 0 64. If Baidu wants to K-site, I have a new site, and I have not cheated or over-optimized. Baidu has no reason to K-site. Because the Baidu snapshot on my homepage has always been stuck on the collection date, I think the 200 0 64 mark is a more reliable explanation that the Baidu snapshot has not been updated yet. Because the new site is still under investigation, it is normal for the snapshot not to be updated.
Observe our other site. This is an old site with a high weight. Articles can be included in a short time, and Baidu snapshots are updated very quickly. Observing its logs, it is found that the chance of 200 0 64 appearing is very small. Pay special attention to the home page. The normal sign of 200 0 0 appears in the log, and when the home page snapshot is not updated every day, the 200 0 64 sign will occasionally appear.
Note from the editor of downcodes.com: There seem to be many similar articles, and I feel that this one is reliable. In addition, this topic has been discussed for many years, and Baidu officials have also explained that the protocol sub-status return code has no practical significance. It is recommended that everyone do their job well. Even if Baidu is having trouble, we cannot make random adjustments, because the search engine will always wake up one day.