Get all rows from the result set as an associative array:
<?php // Assume database username: root, password: 123456, database: CODERCTO $con = mysqli_connect ( "localhost" , "root" , "123456" , "CODERCTO" ); if ( mysqli_connect_errno ( $con )) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error (); } $sql = "SELECT name,url FROM websites ORDER BY alexa" ; $result = mysqli_query ( $con , $sql ); // Get data mysqli_fetch_all ( $result , MYSQLI_ASSOC ); // Release the result set mysqli_free_result ( $result ); mysqli_close ( $con ) ; ?>The mysqli_fetch_all() function fetches all rows from the result set as an associative array, a numeric array, or both.
Note: This function is only available with the MySQL Native Driver.
mysqli_fetch_all( result,resulttype ) ;
parameter | describe |
result | Required. Specifies the result set identifier returned by mysqli_query(), mysqli_store_result(), or mysqli_use_result(). |
resulttype | Optional. Specifies what type of array should be produced. Can be one of the following values: MYSQLI_ASSOC MYSQLI_NUM MYSQLI_BOTH |
Return value: | Returns an associative or numeric array containing the result rows. |
PHP version: | 5.3+ |