The xml_parser_create_ns() function creates an XML parser with namespace support.
If successful, the function returns a resource handle that can be used by other XML functions. If it fails, returns FALSE.
parameter | describe |
encoding | Optional. Specifies the output encoding. In PHP 5.0.2 and above, the default is UTF-8. Possible values: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 US-ASCII. Note: In PHP 5, the input encoding is automatically detected. In PHP 4 and earlier versions, this parameter specifies the character encoding for input and output. Note: In PHP 5.0.0 and 5.0.1, the default output character set is ISO-8859-1. |
separator | Optional. Specifies the output delimiter for tag names and namespaces. The default is " : ". |
Tip: To free the XML parser, use the xml_parser_free() function.
Tip: To create an XML parser without namespace support, use the xml_parser_create() function.
<?php$xmlparser = xml_parser_create_ns();xml_parser_free($xmlparser);?>