The xml_set_processing_instruction_handler() function specifies the function that is called when the parser finds a processing instruction in the XML document.
Processing instructions are enclosed in <? and ?> delimiters and contain a target with data.
Example: In this example, the processing instructions associate a style sheet with an XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="default.xsl" type="text/xml"?> <note><to>Tove</to ><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>
If successful, the function returns TRUE. If it fails, returns FALSE.
parameter | describe |
parser | Required. Specifies the XML parser to use. |
handler | Required. Specifies the function to be called when the parser finds a processing instruction. |
The function specified by the "handler" parameter must have three parameters:
parameter | describe |
parser | Required. Specifies a variable containing the XML parser that calls the processor. |
target | Required. Specifies a variable containing the processing instruction target. |
data | Required. Specifies a variable containing processing instruction data. |
Note: The handler parameter can also be an array containing object references and method names.
<?php$parser=xml_parser_create();function char($parser,$data) { echo $data; }function pi_handler($parser, $target, $data) { echo "Target: $target<br />"; echo "Data: $data<br />"; }xml_set_character_data_handler($parser,"char");xml_set_processing_instruction_handler($parser, "pi_handler");$fp=fopen("test.xml","r");while ($data=fread($fp,4096)) { xml_parse($parser,$data,feof($fp)) or die (sprintf("XML Error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($parser))); }xml_parser_free($parser);?>