The movie "Our T2Remake" generated by artificial intelligence technology premiered in Los Angeles and attracted widespread attention. This is claimed to be the world's first film entirely generated by AI. It is based on the themes of OpenAI, ChatGPT and AGI. It was created by the cooperation of 50 artists and using a variety of AIGC tools. The tickets were once sold out. Although the expressions of the characters in the movie are slightly mechanical, this does not affect its appeal. Instead, it triggers people's in-depth thinking on the application of AI in the field of film creation, providing new possibilities and directions for future film production.
"Our T2Remake", claimed to be the world's first film entirely generated by AI, premiered in Los Angeles and the tickets were sold out. The movie takes OpenAI, ChatGPT and AGI as its themes, was created by 50 artists, and was completed using a variety of AIGC tools. Although the expressions of the characters are still mechanical, they attracted the audience's attention and triggered thinking about AI in film creation.
This premiere not only marks a milestone event in AI film creation, but also heralds the innovation of future film production technology. Although the technology has yet to be perfected, its potential cannot be ignored, bringing new creative concepts and technical means to the film industry. Audience acceptance and market feedback of AI movies will further promote the application and development of AI in the film field.