This article introduces a large-scale multi-view scene dataset named DL3DV-10K, as well as research results based on this dataset. This dataset is designed to overcome challenges in neural view synthesis, and the research team used it to evaluate existing methods and propose the performance benchmark DL3DV-140. The research results show that using DL3DV-10K to pre-train IBRNet can significantly improve the performance of existing advanced methods, highlighting the importance of large-scale real scene data sets to promote the development of learning general NeRF methods.
DL3DV-10K is a large-scale multi-view scene dataset designed to address challenges in neural view synthesis. The research team evaluated existing methods using DL3DV-10K and proposed the performance benchmark DL3DV-140. The results show that by using DL3DV-10K to pre-train IBRNet, the performance of current advanced methods can be significantly improved. The study emphasizes the importance of large-scale real-scenario data sets in promoting the development of learning-based general NeRF methods.All in all, the DL3DV-10K data set and related research have brought new progress to the field of neural view synthesis, provided important reference value for future research, and further confirmed the key to large-scale data sets in promoting the development of artificial intelligence technology. effect.