This article mainly introduces the use of rs.BookMark in asp. Friends who need it can refer to it.
For example, t=rs.BookMark records the current mark
rs.BookMark=t moves the cursor to the recording position
<%dim dsql="select * from cs1"set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")rs.Open sql,conn,1,1while not rs.eof if cInt(rs("id"))=10 thend=rs.Bookmark end if response.write(rs("id")&"-"&rs.bookMark&"<br>") rs.MoveNextwendrs.Bookmark=dresponse.write(rs("id")&"-<br>")while not rs.eof if cInt(rs("id"))=10 thend=rs.Bookmark end if response. write(rs("id")&"-"&rs.bookMark&"<br>") rs.MoveNextwend%>
You will understand when you follow this example and run it yourself! If you still don’t understand (then don’t write the program...)