The function implemented is: title + the set of two adjacent characters excluding non-Chinese and Chinese punctuation characters in the title. Legend has it that this is the best way to collect articles and process keywords. Haha, I made one and try it out.
<script language=vbs>
'Function CreateKeyWords(KeyWords)
'Keyword generation system
Dim i,L,TempStr
KeyWords_Temp=reReplace(KeyWords, [/x00-/xff]|/n| | |,|.|,|!|?|:|||[|]|—|—|(|)|…, )
For i=1 To L-1
TempStr=TempStr & , & Mid(KeyWords_Temp,i,2)
CreateKeyWords=KeyWords & TempStr
End Function
Function reReplace(Str, restrS, restrD)
'Replacement written by regular expression
'Made by
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = restrS
reReplace = re.Replace(Str, restrD)
End Function
MsgBox CreateKeyWords(hello Hello, do you know who I am? , Haha, I am Liu Yongfa () yongfa365 Do you know)