I just wrote one. Of course, for the sake of data security, I need to filter out a SQL keyword and some tables in the system. A guy who doesn’t know anything insisted on asking me for a SQL query.
I just wrote one. Of course, for data security, I have to filter out a SQL keyword and some tables in the system.
Oh, by the way, you may not know where some of the functions in it come from. They are a small framework I wrote that I use all the time when developing some things.
Encapsulate commonly used functions. Writing programs is mainly about ideas. You will know my principle after looking at the code ideas.
function QuerySql(sql)
<table width=680 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 border=0 bgcolor=#c7c7c7 align=center>
set rs=getRs(sql)
puts <tr>
for i=0 to FieldsNum-1
puts <td style=background:#ccc>&rs.Fields.item(i).name</td>
puts </tr>
do while not rs.eof
puts <tr>
for i=0 to FieldsNum-1
puts <td>&rs(i)</td>
puts </tr>
end function