'Function name: GetMyTimeNumber()
'Function: generate an integer of time
'Parameter: lx ---- type of time integer
' lx=0 to minute lx=1 to hour lx=2 to day lx=3 to month
'Return value: Integer value of the generation time (minimum to minutes)
'************************************************ *
Public Function GetMyTimeNumber(lx)
If lx=0 Then GetMyTimeNumber=Year(Date)*12*30*24*60+Month(Date)*30*24*60+Day(Date)*24*60+Hour(Time)*60+Minute(Time )
If lx=1 Then GetMyTimeNumber=Year(Date)*12*30*24+Month(Date)*30*24+Day(Date)*24+Hour(Time)
If lx=2 Then GetMyTimeNumber=Year(Date)*12*30+Month(Date)*30+Day(Date)
If lx=3 Then GetMyTimeNumber=Year(Date)*12+Month(Date)
End Function