Nowadays, a very important criterion for judging the quality of a website is the Alexa ranking. When advertising or making friendly links, people will ask you what the Alexa ranking is. If the ranking is too low, there is no need to discuss it.
So how to improve your website’s Alexa ranking?
First, we need to understand the basis of Alexa ranking. The Alexa ranking is based on the data fed back by the Alexa toolbar, so as long as you install the Alexa toolbar on your computer and set the website you want to improve the ranking as the homepage, you can quickly improve the ranking.
The two indicators of Alexa ranking are IP and PV. One is the number of IPs that visit the website, and the other is the number of pages visited. So if you and your friends install the Alexa toolbar on their computers and access it every day, you can effectively improve the Alexa ranking of your website.
This is very effective for ordinary small websites and can increase the ranking to within 300,000.
Of course, there are many ways to improve Alexa ranking, and there are many such software on the Internet.
However, this is not a long-term solution. Webmasters should still make their own websites carefully.
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