Recently, rumors about OpenAI cooperating with former Apple design director Jony Ive to develop AI devices have been rampant. However, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman clearly denied this rumor in an interview and emphasized that OpenAI is currently focusing on AI technology research and development and will not be involved in the consumer hardware market, especially the smartphone market. Altman's statement shows that OpenAI's exploration of the hardware field is still in its early stages, and it also eliminates concerns about potential damage to Apple's interests.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman denied working with former Apple design director Jony Ive to develop AI devices in an interview. Altman emphasized that OpenAI does not compete in the smartphone market and that its exploration of consumer hardware is still in its early stages. The details of the rumored project being developed jointly by Jony Ive and Altman are still uncertain, so Apple can rest assured.
Altman’s denial effectively clarified the uncertainty in the market and also provided new clues for OpenAI’s future development direction. Although OpenAI is currently focusing on software and AI technology research and development, this does not mean that it will not get involved in the hardware field in the future. As the technology continues to mature, OpenAI may explore more possibilities in the future.