Samsung has joined hands with Intel to launch the Galaxy Book 4 series of laptops equipped with a new artificial intelligence chipset. This series continues the excellent genes of the previous generation products and has made many upgrades. The application of Intel Core Ultra SoC Windows models provides users with more powerful performance and richer choices. In addition to performance improvements, Samsung has also made improvements in appearance and durability, striving to provide users with a better experience. The series is expected to be first launched in South Korea in January 2024, and then gradually expand to other markets around the world.
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Samsung has released the Galaxy Book 4 series of laptops equipped with Intel’s new artificial intelligence chipset. This series builds on the previous generation launched last year and uses Intel's new Intel Core Ultra SoC Windows models, offering a variety of model options. Some cosmetic improvements have been made to enhance durability. The series is expected to be launched in South Korea in January 2024, and then gradually promoted to other regions.
The launch of Samsung Galaxy Book 4 series marks a solid step in the field of artificial intelligence, and also indicates that notebook computers will develop in a more intelligent and efficient direction in the future. We look forward to this new series of laptops providing users with a better user experience.