Generating RSS and XML aggregation is mainly to facilitate subscription and let users quickly know the updates of your website. rss.asp format
The following code is saved as rss.asp
Copy the code code as follows:
<!--#include file=conn.asp-->
strURL = http:// & request.servervariables(server_name) & _
left(request.servervariables(script_name),len(request.servervariables(SCRIPT_NAME))-len(/rss.asp)) ///rss.asp is your file name
sql=select top 100 * from [table name] order by id desc //According to your actual modification, top 100 is the latest 100, modify it yourself, and you can add query conditions, such as where xxx=1....
set rs=server.createobject(adodb.recordset) sql,conn,1,1
response.write <?xml version=1.0 encoding=gb2312 ?> & vbcrlf
response.write <rss version=2.0> & vbcrlf
response.write <channel> & vbcrlf
response.write <title> RSS feed</title> & vbcrlf
response.write <link> & strURL & </link> & vbcrlf
response.write <language>zh-cn</language> & vbcrlf
response.write <copyright>An RSS feed for xxx.comcopyright> & vbcrlf
while not rs.eof
response.write <item> & vbcrlf
response.write <title><![CDATA[ & rs(title) & ]]></title> & vbcrlf
response.write <link>&strURL/xxxx.asp?Id=&rs(id)</link> & vbcrlf
response.write <description><![CDATA[ & rs(subject field) & <br /> & rs(content field) & <br /><br />]]></description> & vbcrlf
response.write <pubDate> & return_RFC822_Date(rs(time field),GMT) & </pubDate> & vbcrlf
response.write </item> & vbcrlf
response.write </channel> & vbcrlf
response.write </rss> & vbcrlf
set rs=nothing
Function return_RFC822_Date(byVal myDate, byVal TimeZone)
Dim myDay, myDays, myMonth, myYear
Dim myHours, myMinutes, mySeconds
myDate = CDate(myDate)
myDay = EnWeekDayName(myDate)
myDays = Right(00 & Day(myDate),2)
myMonth = EnMonthName(myDate)
myYear = Year(myDate)
myHours = Right(00 & Hour(myDate),2)
myMinutes = Right(00 & Minute(myDate),2)
mySeconds = Right(00 & Second(myDate),2)
return_RFC822_Date = myDay, & _
myDays & _
myHours:& _
myMinutes:& _
mySeconds & _
& TimeZone
End Function
Function EnWeekDayName(InputDate)
Dim Result
Select Case WeekDay(InputDate,1)
Case 1:Result=Sun
Case 2:Result=Mon
Case 3:Result=Tue
Case 4:Result=Wed
Case 5:Result=Thu
Case 6:Result=Fri
Case 7:Result=Sat
End Select
EnWeekDayName = Result
End Function
Function EnMonthName(InputDate)
Dim Result
Select Case Month(InputDate)
Case 1:Result=Jan
Case 2:Result=Feb
Case 3:Result=Mar
Case 4:Result=Apr
Case 5:Result=May
Case 6:Result=Jun
Case 7:Result=Jul
Case 8:Result=Aug
Case 9:Result=Sep
Case 10:Result=Oct
Case 11:Result=Nov
Case 12:Result=Dec
End Select
EnMonthName = Result
End Function
rss.xml format
Copy the code code as follows:
<!--#include file=conn.asp-->
strURL = http:// & request.servervariables(SERVER_NAME) & _
dim foolcat,js
set js = server.CreateObject(ADODB.RecordSet)
sql = select * from [table name] order by id asc
set js = conn.execute (sql)
foolcat = foolcat + <?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?>
foolcat = foolcat + <rss version=2.0>
foolcat = foolcat + <channel>
foolcat = foolcat + <title> XML feed</title>
foolcat = foolcat + <link> & strURL & </link>
foolcat = foolcat + <language>zh-cn</language>
foolcat = foolcat + <copyright>An XML feed for</copyright>
do until js.eof
foolcat = foolcat + <item>
foolcat = foolcat + <title><![CDATA[ & rs(subject field) & ]]></title>
foolcat = foolcat + <description><![CDATA[ & rs(subject field) & <br /> & rs(content field) & <br /><br />]]></description>
foolcat = foolcat + <link> & strURL & /xxx.asp?Id=&rs(id field)</link>
foolcat = foolcat + <pubDate> & rs(time field) & </pubDate>
foolcat = foolcat + </item>
set js = nothing
foolcat = foolcat + </channel>
foolcat = foolcat + </rss>
foolcat = + foolcat +
foolcat = & foolcat &
FolderPath = Server.MapPath(/)
Set fso = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile(FolderPath/rss.xml)
fout.writeLine foolcat
set fout = nothing
set conn = nothing