ASP uses UTF8 to convert GB2312 national standard code - GB2312 to UTF-8. Friends in need can refer to it. Copy the code code as follows:
'Personal coding style comments (the first lowercase letter in the variable name indicates the variable type)
'i: is Integer type;
's: is String;
Function U2UTF8(Byval a_iNum)
Dim sResult,sUTF8
Dim iTemp,iHexNum,i
iHexNum = Trim(a_iNum)
If iHexNum = Then
Exit Function
End If
sResult =
If (iHexNum < 128) Then
sResult = sResult & iHexNum
ElseIf (iHexNum < 2048) Then
sResult = ChrB(&H80 + (iHexNum And &H3F))
iHexNum = iHexNum / &H40
sResult = ChrB(&HC0 + (iHexNum And &H1F)) & sResult
ElseIf (iHexNum < 65536) Then
sResult = ChrB(&H80 + (iHexNum And &H3F))
iHexNum = iHexNum / &H40
sResult = ChrB(&H80 + (iHexNum And &H3F)) & sResult
iHexNum = iHexNum / &H40
sResult = ChrB(&HE0 + (iHexNum And &HF)) & sResult
End If
U2UTF8 = sResult
End Function
Function GB2UTF(Byval a_sStr)
Dim sGB,sResult,sTemp
Dim iLen,iUnicode,iTemp,i
sGB = Trim(a_sStr)
iLen = Len(sGB)
For i = 1 To iLen
sTemp = Mid(sGB,i,1)
iTemp = Asc(sTemp)
If (iTemp>127 OR iTemp<0) Then
iUnicode = AscW(sTemp)
If iUnicode<0 Then
iUnicode = iUnicode + 65536
End If
iUnicode = iTemp
End If
sResult = sResult & U2UTF8(iUnicode)
GB2UTF = sResult
End Function
'Call method