Sharing some functions of ASP imitating PHP is mainly for the convenience of friends who first learn PHP and then learn ASP. Copy the code code as follows:
'Process: output string [replaces Response.Write]
Sub echo(Str)
End Sub
'Function: Get the form [replaces Request.Form]
Function reqf(Str)
reqf = Request.Form(Str)
End Function
'Process: end the page and output the string
End Sub
'Function: Return the ASP file running result as a string
Function ob_get_contents(Path)
Dim tmp, a, b, t, matches, m
Dim Str
Str = file_iread(Path)
tmp = dim htm : htm = &vbCrLf
a = 1
b = InStr(a, Str, <%) + 2
While b > a + 1
t = Mid(Str, a, b - a -2)
t = Replace(t, vbCrLf, {::vbcrlf})
t = Replace(t, vbCr, {::vbcr})
t = Replace(t, , )
tmp = tmp & htm = htm & & t & & vbCrLf
a = InStr(b, Str, %/>) + 2
tmp = tmp & str_replace(^/s*=, Mid(Str, b, a - b -2), htm = htm & ) & vbCrLf
b = InStr(a, Str, <%) + 2
t = Mid(Str, a)
t = Replace(t, vbCrLf, {::vbcrlf})
t = Replace(t, vbCr, {::vbcr})
t = Replace(t, , )
tmp = tmp & htm = htm & & t & & vbCrLf
tmp = Replace(tmp, response.write, htm = htm & , 1, -1, 1)
tmp = Replace(tmp, echo, htm = htm & , 1, -1, 1)
htm = Replace(htm, {::vbcrlf}, vbCrLf)
htm = Replace(htm, {::vbcr}, vbCr)
ob_get_contents = htm
End Function
'Process: dynamically include files
echo ob_get_contents(Path)
End Sub
'Function: base64 encryption
Function base64encode(byval Str)
If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
Dim base64
Set base64 = New base64_class
Str = base64.encode(Str)
Set base64 = Nothing
base64encode = Str
End Function
'Function: base64 decryption
Function base64decode(byvalStr)
If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
Dim base64
Set base64 = New base64_class
Str = base64.decode(Str)
Set base64 = Nothing
base64decode = Str
End Function
'Function: URL encryption
Function urlencode(byvalStr)
If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
Str = server.URLEncode(Str)
urlencode = Str
End Function
'Function: Escape encryption
Function escape(byval Str)
If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
Dim i, c, a, tmp
For i = 1 To Len(Str)
c = Mid(Str, i, 1)
a = ascw(c)
If (a>= 48 And a<= 57) Or (a>= 65 And a<= 90) Or (a>= 97 And a<= 122) Then
tmp = tmp&c
ElseIf InStr(@*_+-./, c) > 0 Then
tmp = tmp&c
ElseIf a>0 And a<16 Then
tmp = tmp & %0 & Hex(a)
ElseIf a>= 16 And a<256 Then
tmp = tmp & % & Hex(a)
tmp = tmp & %u & Hex(a)
End If
End Function
'Function: Escape decryption
Function unescape(byval Str)
If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
Dim i, c, tmp
For i = 1 To Len(Str)
c = Mid(Str, i, 1)
If Mid(Str, i, 2) = %u And i<= Len(Str) -5 Then
If IsNumeric(&H & Mid(Str, i + 2, 4)) Then
tmp = tmp & chrw(CInt(&H & Mid(Str, i + 2, 4)))
i = i + 5
tmp = tmp&c
End If
ElseIf c = % And i<= Len(Str) -2 Then
If IsNumeric(&H & Mid(Str, i + 1, 2)) Then
tmp = tmp & chrw(CInt(&H & Mid(Str, i + 1, 2)))
i = i + 2
tmp = tmp&c
End If
tmp = tmp&c
End If
unescape = tmp
End Function