In the process of writing asp, various errors will inevitably occur. We can output the error code through ASP Err.Number to quickly find the source of the problem. 1 Application-defined error or object-defined error.
2 Application-defined error or object-defined error.
3 This error number is obsolete and is no longer used.
5 The procedure call or parameter is invalid.
6 overflow.
7 Insufficient memory.
9 Subscript out of range.
10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked.
11 is divided by zero.
13 Type mismatch.
14 Insufficient space in string.
16 The expression is too complex.
17 Unable to perform the requested operation.
18 A user interrupt has occurred.
20 Execution continues without error.
28 Insufficient stack space.
35 Sub or Function not defined.
47 Too many DLL application clients.
48 Error loading DLL.
49 Wrong DLL calling convention.
51 Internal error.
52 Wrong file name or number.
53 File not found.
54 Bad file mode.
55 File is open.
57 Device I/O error.
58 File already exists.
59 Wrong record length.
61 Disk full.
62 Input beyond end of file.
63 Wrong record number.
67 Too many files.
68 Device not available.
70 Permission denied.
71 Disk not ready.
74 Unable to rename with different drive.
75 Path/file access error.
76 Path not found.
91 Object variable or With block variable not set.
92 For loop not initialized.
93 The pattern string is invalid.
94 This error number is obsolete and is no longer used.
95 Application-defined error or object-defined error.
96 Unable to receive events for the object because the object has fired the maximum number of event receivers it supports.
97 Friend functions cannot be called on an object that is not an instance of the defining class.
98 A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as a parameter or as a return value.
100 Class|1 does not implement the System.Collections.ICollection interface.
321 Invalid file format.
322 Unable to create required temporary file.
325 The format in the resource file is invalid.
380 Invalid attribute value.
381 Invalid attribute array index.
382 The Set statement is not supported at runtime.
383 Set statement (read-only attribute) is not supported.
385 Property array index required.
387 Set statement not allowed.
393 The Get statement is not supported at runtime.
394 Get statement is not supported (write-only properties).
422 The property was not found.
423 Property or method not found.
424 Object required.
429 Unable to create ActiveX component.
Class 430 does not support automation or does not support the required interface.
432 Filename or classname not found during automation operation.
438 Object does not support this property or method.
440 Automation Error.
442 The connection to the type library or object library used for remoting has been lost. Press OK on the dialog box to remove the reference.
443 Automation object has no default value.
445 The object does not support this operation.
446 Object does not support named parameters.
447 The object does not support the current locale.
448 Named parameter not found.
449 Parameter is not optional.
450 The number of parameters is wrong or the attribute assignment is invalid.
451 The Property Let procedure is not defined, and the Property Get procedure did not return an object.
452 The sequence number is invalid.
453 The specified DLL function was not found.
454 Code resource not found.
455 Code resource lock error.
457 This item is already associated with an element of this collection.
458 The variable uses an automation type that is not supported by Visual Basic.
459 The object or class does not support event sets.
460 Invalid clipboard format.
461 Method or data member not found.
462 The remote server computer does not exist or is unavailable.
463 Class not registered on local computer.
481 Invalid image.
482 Printer error.
735 Unable to save file?TEMP.
744 Search text not found.
746 Replacement content is too long.
999 Stop statement encountered.
32768 Feature not yet implemented.
Whether in a development environment or in a standalone executable, catchable errors caused by the Microsoft Jet database engine may occur while the application is executing. You can use Error objects to test and respond to catchable errors.
Error code information
2420 Number syntax error
2421 Date syntax error
2422 String syntax error
2423 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'
2424 Unknown name
2425 Unrecognized function name
2426 Function in expression is not available
2427 Object has no value
2428 Invalid argument used with domain function
2429 In operator missing ()
2430 Between operator missing And
2431 Syntax error (missing operator)
2432 Syntax error (comma)
2433 Syntax error
2434 Syntax error (missing operator)
2435 redundant)
2436 missing), ] or item
2437 Invalid use of vertical rod
2438 Syntax error
2439 Wrong number of parameters in function
2440 IIF function missing ()
2442 Invalid use of brackets
2443 Invalid use of Is operator
2445 Expression too complex
2446 Insufficient memory during calculation
2447 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'
2448 Cannot set value
3000 Error in retention <item>; this error has no information
3001 Invalid parameter
3002 Unable to start session
3003 Unable to start transaction; there are too many nested transactions
3005 <database name> is not a valid database name
3006 Database <name> is exclusively locked
3007 Cannot open library database <name>
3008 <name> The data table has been opened exclusively by another user, or it has been opened by the user interface and cannot be edited.
3009 When opening the <Table> data table, an attempt was made to lock it, but the data table is currently in use and it cannot be locked. Please wait and try again
3010 <name> data table already exists
3011 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find object <name>. Please make sure this object exists and spell its name and path correctly
3012 <name> object already exists
3013 Cannot rename installable ISAM file
3014 No more tables can be opened
3015 Index not found
3016 Field not suitable for record
3017 Field too long
3018 Field not found
3019 There is no current index causing the operation to be invalid.
3020 Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit
3021 No current record
3022 Requested changes to the data table that will not succeed because duplicate values will be generated for indexes, primary keys, or relationships. Change the field data or change the fields that contain duplicate data, drop the index or redefine the index to allow duplicate index values, and try again
3023 AddNew or Edit has been used
3024 File <name> not found
3025 No more files can be opened.
3026 The disk does not have enough space.
3027 Unable to update. The database or object is read-only.
3028 Your application cannot be started. The workgroup's information file is missing or is being opened exclusively by another user.
3029 Not a valid account name or password.
3030 Not a valid account name.
3031 is not a valid password.
3032 This operation cannot be performed.
3033 No permission to use object <name>. The system administrator or the person who created the object can create an appropriate permission.
3034 An attempt was made to commit or rollback a transaction without first starting a transaction.
3036 The database has reached maximum capacity.
3037 Cannot open more data tables or queries.
3039 Unable to create index; too many indexes have been defined.
3040 Disk I/O error while reading
3041 The database cannot be opened with a previous version of the application
3042 Exhausted MS-DOS file handles
3043 Disk or network error
3044 <path> is not a valid path. Please make sure the path name is spelled correctly and that the file is located on the server you are connected to
3045 Cannot use <name>; file is already in use
3046 Unable to save; currently locked by another user
3047 Record too long
3048 No more databases can be opened.
3049 Cannot open database <name>. It may not be a database recognized by the application, or the file may be corrupted
3050 Unable to lock file
3051 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file <name>. It has been opened exclusively by another user or requires permission to view the data
3052 File share limit exceeded. Add MaxLocksPerFile registry entry
3053 The client has too many tasks
3054 Too many fields of Memo data type or OLE object
3055 is not a valid file name
3056 This database cannot be repaired
3057 Unsupported operation on linked data table
3058 Index or primary key cannot contain Null value
3059 Operation canceled by user
3060 Wrong data type of parameter <parameter>
3061 Too few parameters. expected value<number>
3062 Duplicate output of alias <name>
3063 Duplicate output destination <name>.
3064 Cannot open action query <name>
3065 Cannot execute select query
3066 The query must contain at least one destination field
3067 Query input must contain at least one data table or query
3068 is not a valid alias
3069 Action query <name> cannot be used as a row source.
3070 The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize <name> as a valid field name or expression.
3071 The expression you typed is invalid or too complex to evaluate. For example, a numeric expression can contain many complex components. Try simplifying the expression by specifying parts of the expression as variables. Attempt to simplify an expression by defining parts of it as variables
3072 Type mismatch occurred when creating a table validation rule or CHECK constraint on a column.
3073 The operation must use an updateable query
3074 Table name <name> cannot be repeated in FROM clause
3075 Query <information> in expression <expression>
3076 <name> in criterion expression
3077 <information> in expression
3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input data table or query <name>. Please make sure it exists and spell its name correctly
3079 The specified field <field> may refer to more than one table whose columns are in the FROM clause of the SQL statement.
3080 Connection <name> data table not listed in FROM clause
3081 Cannot add more than one data table with the same name <name>
3082 JOIN operation <operation> refers to a non-joined data table
3083 Cannot use internal report query
3084 Cannot insert data using action query
3085 Undefined function <name> in expression
3086 Cannot delete from the specified data table
3087 Too many expressions in GROUP BY clause
3088 Too many expressions in ORDER BY clause
3089 DISTINCT Too many expressions in output
3090 The result data table does not allow more than one AutoNumber field.
3091 No grouping or totaling HAVING clause <name>
3092 Cannot use HAVING clause in TRANSFORM expression
3093 ORDER BY clause <clause> conflicts with DISTINCT
3094 ORDER BY clause <clause> conflicts with GROUP BY clause
3095 Cannot have aggregation function in expression<expression>
3096 Cannot have aggregation function in WHERE clause <clause>
3097 Cannot have aggregate function in ORDER BY clause <clause>
3098 Cannot have aggregate function in GROUP BY clause <clause>
3099 Cannot have aggregation function in JOIN operation <operation>
3100 Cannot set the join key of the <name> field to Null.
3101 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find a record matching the <name> field keyword in the <name> data table.
3102 Circular reference caused by <query reference>
3103 Circular reference caused by alias <name> in SELECT list of query definition
3104 Fixed column name <value> cannot be specified more than once in a crosstab query.
3105 Missing destination field name <statement> in SELECT INTO expression
3106 Missing destination field name <statement> in UPDATE expression
3107 Cannot add record; <name> does not have insert permission
3108 Cannot edit record; <name> does not have update permissions
3109 Cannot delete record; <name> does not have delete permission
3110 Cannot read definition; no read definition permission for data table or query <name>
3111 Cannot create; no modify design permission for data table or query <name>
3112 Record cannot be read; <name> does not have read permission
3113 Cannot update <field name>; field cannot be updated
3114 When selecting unique value <statement>, the Memo data type or the OLE Object data type cannot be included.
3115 The total parameter cannot contain Memo, OLE or Hyperlink object field <statement>
3116 Aggregation function cannot have Memo data type or OLE Object data type fields in criterion <criteria>
3117 Cannot sort on Memo, OLE or Hyperlink object <clause>
3118 Cannot perform union on Memo, OLE or Hyperlink object <name>
3119 Cannot group on Memo, OLE or Hyperlink object <clause>
3120 Cannot group the field <table name> selected with (*)
3121 Fields selected with (*) cannot be grouped
3122 An attempt was made to execute a query that did not contain the specified expression <name> as part of an aggregation function.
3123 Not available in crosstab queries (*)
3124 Cannot enter <name> from internal reporting query
3125 <name> is invalid. Verify that the name does not contain invalid characters or punctuation marks and is not too long
3126 Invalid brackets in name <name>
3127 INSERT INTO expression contains the following unrecognized field name <field name>. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again
3128 The data table containing the records you want to delete is specified.
3129 Invalid SQL statement; required is 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT' or 'UPDATE'
3130 Syntax error in DELETE expression
3131 Syntax error in FROM clause
3132 Syntax error in GROUP BY clause
3133 Syntax error in HAVING clause
3134 Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement
3135 Syntax error in JOIN operation
3136 The LEVEL clause contains a misspelled or missing reserved word or parameter, or the punctuation is invalid.
3137 Semicolon (;) missing at end of SOL statement
3138 Syntax error in ORDER BY clause
3139 Syntax error in parameter clause
3140 Syntax error in PROCEDURE clause
3141 The SELECT expression contains a misspelled or missing reserved word or parameter, or invalid punctuation.
3142 Character found at the end of SQL statement
3143 Syntax error in TRANSFORM expression
3144 Syntax error in UPDATE expression
3145 Syntax error in WHERE clause
3146 ODBC – call failed
3151 ODBC connection to <name> failed
3154 ODBC cannot find DLL <name>
3155 ODBC insert failed on join table <table>
3156 ODBC delete failed on join table <table>
3157 ODBC update failed on join table <table>
3158 Cannot store record; currently locked by another user
3159 is not a valid bookmark
3160 Table not opened
3161 Unable to decrypt file
3162 Attempt to assign Null value to a variable that is not of Variant data type
3163 The field is too small to accommodate the increased amount of data. Please insert or paste a small amount of data
3164 Cannot update field.
3165 Cannot open .inf file
3166 The required Xbase Memo data type file cannot be found
3167 record has been deleted
3168 Invalid .inf file
3169 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot execute the SQL statement because the statement contains an invalid data type field.
3170 No installable ISAM found
3171 Network access or username not found
3172 Cannot open
3173 Cannot open MSysAccounts data table in workgroup information file
3174 Cannot open MSysGroups data table in workgroup information file
3175 Date is out of range or in invalid format
3176 Cannot open file <name>
3177 Not a valid data table name
3179 Unexpected end of file encountered
3180 Cannot write to file <name>
3181 Invalid range
3182 Invalid file format
3183 Not enough space on temporary disk
3184 Cannot execute query; linked table cannot be found
3185 SELECT INTO on remote database attempted to generate too many fields
3186 Cannot save; currently locked by user <name> on <name> machine
3187 Cannot read; currently locked by user <name> on <name> machine
3188 Unable to update; currently locked by another program on this machine
3189 Data table <name> is locked exclusively by user <name> on machine <name>
3190 Too many fields defined
3191 Field cannot be defined multiple times
3192 <name> output data table not found
3196 Database <database name> is already in use by another person or handler. Please try again when the database is available
3197 Attempting to change the same data at the same time as another user, the Microsoft Jet database engine will stop the process
3198 Unable to start session. Too many sessions started
3199 Reference not found
3200 This record cannot be deleted or changed because the <name> data table contains related records.
3201 Records cannot be added or changed because related records must exist in the <name> data table.
3202 Currently locked by another user; cannot be saved for a period of time
3203 Subquery cannot be used in <expression> expression
3204 Database already exists.
3205 Too many column headers <value> for crosstab
3206 Cannot create a relationship between the field and itself
3207 The operation cannot be supported when the Paradox data table does not contain a primary index key.
3208 Invalid Deleted setting in Windows registered Xbase index key
3210 Connection string too long
3211 The database engine cannot lock the <name> data table because it is already in use by another user or handler.
3212 Unable to lock <name> data table; current <name> user is using the table on <name> machine
3213 Invalid Date setting in Windows registered Xbase index key
3214 Invalid Mark setting in Windows registered Xbase index key
3216 <name> parameter specified where data table name is required
3217 The <name> parameter specifies the location where the database name is required.
3218 Unable to update; currently locked
3219 Invalid operation
3220 Invalid autopaging serial
3222 Query cannot contain database parameters
3223 <Parameter name> is invalid because the name is too long or contains invalid characters
3227 Invalid Century setting in Windows registered Xbase index key
3228 The operating system does not support the selected auto-paging serial
3230 Expired Paradox lock file
3231 ODBC field too long; record will be truncated
3232 ODBC cannot create data table
3234 ODBC remote query has expired
3235 ODBC server does not support this data type
3238 ODBC data out of range
3239 Too many users using it at the same time
3242 Invalid reference in SELECT statement
3243 Any imported field name does not match the field of the imported data table.
3244 Cannot import password protected spreadsheet
3245 Field names cannot be parsed based on the first row of the imported data table.
3246 Operation not supported in transaction
3247 ODBC linked data table definition has changed
3248 Invalid NetworkAccess setting in Windows registry
3249 Invalid PageTimeout setting in Windows registry
3250 Cannot concatenate keys
3251 The operation does not support this object type.
3252 Cannot open a form that contains a query underlying a user-defined function (trying to set or get the form's RecordsetClone property).
3254 ODBC cannot lock all records
3256 Index file not found
3257 Syntax error in WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION statement
3258 The SQL statement cannot be executed because it contains an ambiguous outer join. To force one of the connections to execute first, create a query that executes the first connection and then include that query in the SQL statement
3259 Invalid field data type
3260 Unable to update; user <name> on machine <name> is currently locked
3261 User <name> has exclusively locked the <name> data table on machine <name>
3262 Cannot lock table
3263 Invalid database object
3264 No field definition; cannot add table def or index
3265 This item cannot be found in this collection
3266 Cannot add existing fields to field collection
3267 This property can only be set if the field is a field in the fields collection of the Recordset object.
3268 Properties cannot be set on an object as long as it is part of a collection.
3269 cannot be added, the index is already part of the index collection
3270 Property not found
3271 Invalid attribute value
3272 Object is not a collection
3273 This method cannot be applied to this object
3274 The external data table is not in the expected format.
3275 Unexpected error <error number> from external database driver
3276 Invalid database object reference
3277 No more than ten fields can be included in an index
3278 Microsoft Jet database engine has no initial value
3279 Microsoft Jet database engine has been initialized
3280 Cannot delete a field in the index or a field required by the system
3281 This index or data table cannot be dropped. It is either not the current index or is used in the relationship
3282 This operation is not supported on a data table containing data
3283 Primary index already exists
3284 Index already exists
3285 Invalid index definition
3286 The format of the Memo data type file does not conform to the specific external database format.
3287 Cannot create an index on the specified field
3288 Paradox index is not primary index
3289 Syntax error in CONSTRAINT clause
3290 Syntax error in CREATE table statement
3291 Syntax error in CREATE INDEX statement
3292 Syntax error in field definition
3293 Syntax error in ALTER table statement
3294 Syntax error in DROP INDEX statement
3295 Syntax error in DROP table or DROP INDEX
3296 Concatenation expression not supported
3297 Cannot enter data table or query. No records found or all records have errors
3298 Several data tables use that name. Please specify the owner in the format 'owner.table'
3299 ODBC specification conformance error <message>. Report this error to the application developer
3300 Cannot create relationship
3301 This operation cannot be performed; this version of functionality is not valid in old format databases
3302 A data table rule cannot be changed while it is in use.
3303 This field cannot be deleted. it is part of one or more relationships
3304 A personal identifier (PID) of four to twenty characters and numbers must be entered
3305 The connection string queried is invalid.
3306 You have written a subquery that returns multiple fields without using the reserved word EXISTS in the FROM clause of the main query. Revise the SELECT statement of the subquery to require only one field
3307 The number of columns in the two selected data tables or joint queries does not match.
3308 Invalid TOP parameter in selection query
3309 Attribute value is too large
3310 This property does not support external data sources or databases created by older versions of Microsoft Jet.
3311 The specified attribute already exists
3312 Validation rules and default values cannot be placed in system or linked data tables
3313 This validation expression cannot be placed on this field
3314 The <name> field cannot contain a Null value because the field's Requiredired attribute is set to . Please enter a value into the field
3315 Field <name> cannot be a zero-length string.
3316 <Verification text at data table level>
3317 One or more values are prohibited by validation rule <rule> for <name>. Enter the acceptable values for this field expression
3318 The specified value in the TOP clause is not allowed in a delete query or report.
3319 Syntax error in union query
3320 <Error> in data table level check expression
3321 No database specified in the connection string or IN clause.
3322 Cross-data table query contains one or more invalid fixed column headers
3323 Query cannot be used as a data source
3324 This query is a DDL query and cannot be used as a data source
3325 The ReturnsRecords property of the query is set to True, but no records are returned.
3326 This result set cannot be updated
3327 Field <name> is expression based and cannot be edited.
3328 Table <name> is of read-only type
3329 The record in table <name> was deleted by another user.
3330 The record in table <name> is locked by another user.
3331 To change this field, first save the record
3332 Cannot enter a value into an empty field on one side of an outer join
3333 Records in table <name> will have no records in one side
3334 can only appear in version 1.0 format
3337 Invalid DataCodePage option in initialization
3340 <name> query is corrupted
3341 The current field must conform to the join key <name> on one side of a one-to-many relationship. Enter a record on one side of the data table with the value of the desired join key, and then join it with the join key in the multilateral data table
3342 Invalid Memo data type or OLE Object data type in subquery
3343 Unrecognized database format <filename>
3344 The database engine does not recognize the invalid field <name> in the validation expression or the default value in the data table <name>
3345 Unrecognized or invalid field reference <name>
3346 The number and destination fields of the query value are different.
3347 Cannot add records; the primary key of table <name> is not in the result set
3348 Cannot add record; union key in table <name> is not in the result set
3349 Numeric field overflow
3350 The object of operation is invalid.
3351 ORDER BY expression <expression> contains fields that are not selected by the query. The ORDER BY expression contains only the fields requested in the first query
3352 There is no destination field name in the INSERT INTO statement <statement>
3354 This subquery can return at most one record
3355 Syntax error in default value
3356 You attempted to open a database on machine <name> that has been opened exclusively by user <name>. When the database is available, try again
3357 This query is not a properly formatted data definition query
3358 Unable to open Microsoft Jet engine workgroup information file
3359 Pass query must contain at least one character
3360 Query is too complex
3361 Unions are not allowed in subqueries.
3362 Update/deletion of a single row affects multiple rows in the linked table. Unique index contains duplicate values
3363 Cannot add record; no corresponding record on one side
3364 The SELECT clause of the union query is not available for the Memo data type or OLE Object data type <name> field.
3365 This property cannot be set on the remote object.
3366 Cannot add a relationship without field definitions
3367 cannot be appended. An object with this name already exists in the collection
3368 The relationship must be on the same multiple fields with the same data type.
3370 The design of the <name> table cannot be modified. it's in a read-only database
3371 Table or constraint not found
3372 No such <name> index on <name> table
3373 Cannot create relationship. The referenced <name> table has no primary key
3374 The specified field is not a unique index in the <name> table.
3375 The <name> table already has an index named <name>
3376 Table <name> does not exist
3377 There is no such <name> relationship on the <name> table.
3378 There is already a relationship named <name> in the current database.
3379 Cannot create a relationship with enforced referential integrity. Existing data in table <name> violates referential integrity rules
3380 <name> field already exists in <name> table
3381 There is no field called <name> in the <name> table.
3382 <name> field length is too long
3383 Cannot delete field <name>. it is part of one or more relationships
3384 Cannot delete built-in properties
3385 User-defined properties do not support Null values.
3386 The <name> attribute must be set before using this method.
3388 <name> Unknown <name> function in validity expression or default value
3389 Query support is not available yet
3390 Account name already exists
3393 Cannot perform join, group, sort, or index limit. The value being found or sorted is too long
3394 The attribute cannot be saved; the attribute is a database structure description attribute.
3396 The cascade operation cannot be performed. Because there are related records in the <name> table that would violate referential integrity rules
3397 The cascade operation cannot be performed. There must be relevant records in the <name> table
3398 The cascade operation cannot be performed. It results in a null key in the <name> table
3399 The cascade operation cannot be performed. It will result in a duplicate key in the <name> table
3400 Cannot perform cascade operation. It will cause the <name> field in the <name> table to be updated twice
3401 The cascade operation cannot be performed. It will cause the <name> field to become Null, which is not allowed
3402 The cascade operation cannot be performed. It will cause the <name> field to become a zero-length string, which is not allowed
3403 Cannot perform cascade operation; <validity text>
3404 The cascade operation cannot be performed. Validation rule <Rule> for <name> prohibits the entered value
3405 Error in validation rule <error text>
3406 The expression you attempted to use in the default value attribute is invalid due to <error text>. Please use the correct expression to set this property
3407 The server's MSysConf table exists, but is in the wrong format. Please contact your system administrator
3408 Too many FastFind sessions called
3409 In the definition of an index or relationship, <name> is an invalid field definition.
3411 Invalid entry. The cascade operation in the <name> table cannot be performed because the input data is too large for the <name> field.
3412 Cannot perform cascade updates on the table because another user is currently using the table.
3413 The cascade operation cannot be performed on table <name> because it is currently being used by user <name> on machine <name>
3414 Cannot perform cascade operation on table <name> because it is currently in use
3415 Zero-length strings are only valid in text or Memo data type fields.
3416 <Keep error warning>
3417 Action query cannot be used as a row source
3418 Cannot open <table name>. Other users open this table with a different network control file or locking style
3419 This Paradox 4.x or 5.x table cannot be opened because ParadoxNetStyle in the Windows registry is set to 3.x
3420 Object is invalid or no longer set
3421 Data type conversion error
3422 The table structure cannot be modified. Other users have already opened this table
3423 ODBC not available Import external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database tables from your database, or export or link them to your database
3424 Cannot create database because locale is invalid
3428 There is a problem with your database. Please correct the problem by repairing and compacting the database
3429 Incompatible installable ISAM version
3430 OLE cannot initialize while loading Microsoft Excel installable ISAM
3431 This is not a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file
3432 An error occurred while opening a Microsoft Excel 5.0 file
3433 Invalid setting in Excel key in Engines section of Windows registration
3434 Cannot extend named range
3435 Cannot delete spreadsheet cell
3436 Failed to create file
3437 Spreadsheet is full
3438 The output data does not match the format described in the Schema.ini file.
3439 You attempted to link or import a Microsoft Word mail merge file. Although such files can be exported, they cannot be linked or imported
If you capture the value of err, you can investigate why the error occurred.